In Search for a Fact, you enter a supposed fact you’ve heard, as soon as you’ve picked which fact engines you prefer (Rate Fact Checkers.) The search will return anything your preferred fact checkers have found that relates to your subject. You don’t have to use the exact same wording. [Note: engine will route a search to the Rate Fact Checkers page first, if user hasn’t completed that step.]

Search for a Fact:

Describe the “fact” as you heard it. (Exact language is not necessary)



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How This Works:

This site does not itself evaluate any asserted facts. Instead, we collect and regularly update all findings by recognized fact checkers, in any country that has at least one. This is to save you the time it would take to find a long list of fact-checkers run by newspapers, foundations, search engines and other sources, and then go through their findings and compare them.

Not every fact-checker covers every issue. The results page will show which fact-checkers returned a result for the fact you’re asking about. When different fact checkers disagree, our system will calculate your personal rating for the fact you asked about: it will assign 0% weight to any fact-checker you assigned 0 stars to; 20% for one star; 40% to two stars; 60% for three; 80% for four, and 100% weight for fact-checkers you rated with five stars. It will then report the weighted average over all their findings. [TBD: A Details page, linked from the Results box, will show which fact checker said what about the supposed fact you searched. Depending on specific design, it may include multiple nested pages or links.]